I feel such a burden to share these thoughts.
We cannot go on like this.
We cannot stay blindly and blissfully unaware - we must realize the sobriety of the time in which we live.
We have the truth. The time has come for us to choose whom we love most.
We are lukewarm, and must realize the urgency at which we must decide.
This world sickens me. There is blatant disdain, and indifference to sacrifice and commitment to high morals and self denial. We care nothing about denying our sinful appetites - rarely do we stop and think about the eternal merit of our activities. It seems the desire for betterment is no longer important.
In recent years, people have focused so much on our inability to be perfect, and how we are to come to Christ just as we are - both thoughts are truth. But we focus only on those, and we forget to try.
Gone is the quest for beauty, innocence, and Christ-like character.
I wish no more to sit on the fence. There is nothing to live for in this world - no thing it produces is worth my soul.
I care not for riches, desire, or power - they are worth nothing.
I am disgusted with constant backsliding and failure, in myself above all.
I choose to try.
I choose to try.
I know we can never be perfect, but shouldn't we still strive for it?
We can at least attempt to do our best.
Why are we so blind? Why do we live so unmoved by the evil around us? How can we, as Christians, be uninterested in what is going on around us? Can we not see the end is near? Do we not care to be on the right side of God's throne?
I urge you, fellow believers in Christ, as I am again more resolute in purpose; join me in the ever important task of self denial and rejection of all that is worldly. Ask yourself about every song, every movie, every friend, every activity and every thought in your head - does it bring you closer to your Saviour?
I am so repulsed by my own sinful nature. Surely I am not alone! Doesn't anyone else feel it?
I feel such a burden. I am sickened by constant failure. It pains my soul to know that I will never achieve the perfect character of Christ - I so long for the day when we no longer struggle. I yearn for purity and innocence.
I do not care how unpopular I or tradition become. Does our heritage mean nothing anymore? Don't you know that peace is impossible here on Earth? We can only have it in Heaven! We are corrupt, and incapable of peace.
Please, join me in revulsion of compromise. We cannot continue being lukewarm about where we stand.
Awaken to every activity you do, every person you model your life after. Don't look to other people for your salvation, but rather, petition our God. Plead with Him to renew your zeal. I pray we will all be filled with the passionate desire for saving souls as our early Advent ancestors were filled.
I beseech God to pour out a Spirit of revival on us.
We cannot continue in despondency! Place a desire for what is right above what is popular.
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