Monday, January 18, 2010

Goes Both Ways

"A kind and compassionate act is often it's own reward." - William John Bennett

So...I know, I haven't blogged in two days and I feel bad.
But I have been very, very busy this weekend!
It seems that I have been shown more kindness than I have shown, these last couple days.
I am blessed :)

So, here is a quick synopsis:

Sabbath - What a wonderful day! I was invited to Whitney and Brandon's house, (Katie's brother and his wife) for Sabbath lunch. We ate the most incredible potato/corn chowder ever, with yummy bread and LAUGHING COW CHEESE SPREAD! Yummmmmmmm. Then, Beth modeled for my photography project! We were going to make her into a boxer, with big gloves, black eye, and all. But no gloves could be found. Sigh.
BUT, we made her into an abused woman instead so we could still giver her a fake black eye :) We gave her fake cuts and bruises, and it looked pretty convincing. She did such a great job, and was SO SWEET to do it for me, since she could have been sleeping instead - haha. Then we went to Red Robin for supper, and though we college students are poor as everyone knows, I bought Beth's supper because she was so nice to model for me, especially since she had to get strange makeup put all over her!

Sunday - Most of Sunday was spent in the darkroom developing photos! It was the first time I had ever done it, so I was a little nervous. But the lab assistant, Chelsea, was the nicest person about it, and was very patient with me. Thanks to her help, I got a beautiful print that I will HOPEFULLY get an A on! Poor Brittany has to work from 2 to 10 on Sunday, so I went to get her a drink from Sonic as a kind deed, but after I arrived there, I realized I had forgotten my money! Foiled once again. :( But maybe today made up for that - ha! Also, Katie (my roommate) my the sweetest note for me, telling me I am pretty much the best lol :) I know such nice people!

Today (Monday) - In honor of MLK JR. Day, SAU has an annual Community Service Day, when students can sign up for various places to serve. This year's theme was "We serve because HE served". I went on the outreach project called West Side for Jesus, which is where students go into the projects to play with kids, go door to door, etc. But today we painted a huge room and did maintenance in the playground of a daycare center. It was so much fun - it only took us 4 hours to paint an approximately 40x40 room! When we finished, the lady that runs the place was almost in tears with gratitude, because the room had been cluttered and need of work for almost eight months - she just didn't have anyone to help her. It didn't hurt us any to take a day out of our busy week to reach out to the community! Some students don't even do it - only 600 out of almost 3000! I think that's pitiful. I think the entire student body should be involved - they even give us worship and convocation credit! If the students who didn't help could have seen the lady's face, they might have decided to help out. I then went to Sonic and bought drinks for Brittany, Ben, and Katie. And myself.

And thus, it was been very busy! But I have been blessed many times over the last couple days, and hopefully I have been part of a blessing to someone else.
I usually have some sort of deep thought for you, but I think the paint fumes clouded my mind - it isn't working very well right about now. Not to mention all the photolab chemicals yesterday!
I'm surprised I haven't been committed!

I leave you with a quote:
"Act as if what you do makes a difference. It does." - William James

How true that is!

6 days down, 100 to go :)

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